連接器 Ethernet: 2 sockets M12 x 1, 4-pin, D-coded
診斷范圍 0 % 電氣特性總分辨率
分辨率單圈 up to 16 Bit多圈 up to 14 Bit
電 話:O21-3952 983O轉8OO9
手 機;189 17O7 4297
傳 真:O21-3952983O-8OO8
企業QQ;288 O626 O83
up to 30 Bit 傳輸速率 10 MBit/s / 100 MBit/s
Device type Absolute encoders
Functional safety related parameters
Linearity error ≤ ± 0.1 °
to CiA DS-301 and DS-406 device profile CiA)
輻射干擾 EN 61000-6-4:2007
Electrical specifications
防護等級 DIN EN 60529,IP65,IP67
Diagnostic Coverage (DC) 0 %
氣候條件 DIN EN 60068-2-3, 無凝露
General specifications
Detection type magnetic sampling
Supply: 1 plug M12 x 1, 4-pin, A-coded
地 址:上海市嘉定區嘉涌路99弄